Thursday, October 28, 2010

Are You Ready For Christmas?

Could you use some extra Christmas cash? How about getting that Thanksgiving turkey free?

Yes people Christmas is just around the corner and if you are one on the 99% of Americans being affected by the economy in negative ways you may be looking for ways to save for this holiday season.  What are you doing to prepare?  Pinching pennies here and there, working extra hours, selling off old possessions in yard sales and on ebay?

Somehow people over the years have simply overlooked home business opportunities choosing rather to rely on things that simply just do not work - I mean how much stuff can you actually sell trying to make a buck.  Not only that but what do you think takes more effort convincing someone to buy your junk or finding a good company and product to represent.

Here it is the reality of your financial situation... You can do something about it.  You can do something to make things better.  You can do something to bring in that additional income you need.  You can actually build a successful business - the opportunity is there you simply have to decide to seize it and to show others how they can do the same.  

Now is the time, not tomorrow, not next week now.  Your mindset needs to be changed and you need to do the things required to change it. So sitting around thinking about the things you have to do before you can make this needed change is unproductive, to paraphrase the apostle Paul "Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial."  So throw of the things that hinder your success and begin running the race with endurance!  - But be mindful this race is not a 100-meter dash this is a marathon. 

I am an online marketer, I do this full time and I love the freedom this gives me... You do not have to start full time but I can guarantee if you start and you make the required effort you will be successful.  Making the required effort does not mean trying to find a short cut product or program.  There are plenty of programs out there that are designed to make a quick buck for their creators and maybe a few people who get in early enough. These programs have a very short life span and quickly die off... and they are designed to cheat people not help them.  Be very aware of the program you decide to get involved with... make sure it offers a product or service that will help people because the other ingredient to success is a real desire to help others.

To recap the moral of the story is "if you need things to change then you need to change things".  There are plenty of good resources and the time is right now.  What are you going to do?  

The Big GO! Is a team co-op with one goal in mind... to help each other succeed.  The MPB opportunity is not your success but it is a tool that can help you achieve it.  You have the opportunity with the Big GO! And MPB to start and build a business with almost no start up cost.  You simply make a $200 one-time grocery purchase and you are in.  Groceries, now that is a product that is in demand.  How much convincing do you think you will have to do to get someone to agree that total elimination of his or her grocery bill would be a good thing!  Would total elimination of your grocery bill be a good thing for you?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why MPB Today? How Will it Help Me?

MPB Today is an amazing program and we are having huge success... people from everyday walks of life are building this into a successful business and eliminating their out of pocket grocery and gas expense.  But there are many people who for one reason or another just will not even take a look at MPB.  They (maybe you) just shrug it off and figure it to be another internet scam or some MLM scheme that will make money for the top and leave those at the bottom with little to show or their time and efforts.  So before you make that mistaken assumption and miss out on what as proven to be one of the best opportunities available to "us normal everyday people"... let me tell you about some of the reasons MPB works.

First of all you are obviously looking for something... some way to earn an additional income online, or some way of building a business that will produce residual income for your retirement.  If you were not then you would not be on this page and you would not have read to this point.  So, what are you looking for?  If you are looking for a mystical program that dumps free money in your lap with no effort on your part then I will tell you up front that this program is not for you and neither is any legitimate program out there.  If that is what you are looking for you are simply setting yourself up to be taken advantage of, you will be buying into false promises and hype in an effort to make a quick buck.  The only problem is that it will be the so called guru's making the promise of a quick buck who will be making the money - off of you.  There is absolutely no way to make money online with out some time of time investment. MPB does require a time investment, but a very minimal one at that. With just an hour or two a week you can realistically build your business and be in profit often within a few days or so.  Why is it easy to build MPB?

When you examine a business opportunity one of the primary things you must look at is the product offering what is the demand and how is it going to help people?  MPB's product is home grocery delivery. You may be thinking well I don't buy my groceries online and I don't think I want to, but let me ask you this "is there a demand for groceries?"  The answer is yes absolutely - everyone not only buys groceries but they have to buy groceries.  So whether you buy from your local grocery store or from an online store you have to have the product, right?  Then my next question is would you order your groceries online if they were FREE?  Absolutely!!!  And that is what MPB is proposing -

We have all heard the adage that "time is money" correct?  Well, with the MPB business model they are simply converting your time into "grocery money"  and then the more time invested you will begin converting that time into additional income, and then as you grow in the business further you will be converting your time (and the leveraged time of your referrals) into retirement wealth.  So, the question I have is - "if you have to grocery shop, why not do it free?  Why not build an income and retirement while doing something that you already do that is currently costing you Big Bucks?

The question at the start of this article was "Why MPB?" and "How will it help me?"  Let's try rephrasing and asking the question this way "Why not MPB?"  Get paid for something that you must do, something that is currently costing you money...that is how it will help you.

Ultimately it is up to you - you can continue looking for the goose that laid the golden egg or you can begin today by taking the first step toward lasting wealth creation.

Learn More and Hear Our Success Story Here!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

250% Return On Investment - Over and Over Again.

If I was a stock broker and I told you that I had a guaranteed way that you could take $200 and earn a guaranteed 250% over and over again would that interest you...just a bit right?

THE BIG GO! (Grocery Opportunity) 

Well I am not a stock broker but I have found that investment... and it does pay 250% over and over!
How do I know because I and hundreds of others are doing it right now and the kicker is that along with earning that 250% over and over we have all eliminated our grocery bill too.

Right now if you are not a part of MPB and the Big GO! team then chances are you were not aware that such a program existed... I mean why would anyone who knew about this not be a part of it?  The reason I say that is here is the reality of the "risk" involved with joining MPB.

You join and pay $210 which breaks down like this:  $10 annually for your professional web site and back office access and $200 worth of pre-paid groceries.... So for your $200 you receive $200 worth of groceries. Now, if you order the groceries from Southeastern Delivery right away you would have to pay for the ship cost but you are not putting your $200 at "risk" because you get $200 in groceries.

Let's stop and examine this scenario - In order to earn in MPB you must personally refer two people, that's it just two... then your two need to personally refer two of their own which would then complete your 2x2 matrix and get you paid!  How much?  You would earn $300 cash, and an additional $200 in groceries... now the $200 in groceries you received when you first joined MPB - you can now order those and the company will pay the shipping, even better you can exchange those groceries for a $200 Walmart gift card that you can use for gas, groceries, prescriptions, electronics, tires, anything that Walmart sells!

So, with MPB worst case scenario you join and give it a shot and say after a month or two you have not been able to bring anyone into the business... well you then just go ahead and place your order and receive your $200 worth of groceries... No big deal.  Now by joining MPB through the Big GO! team co-op this scenario will never happen because your sponsor is responsible to you to make sure you get your sign-ups... we use team rotators and link broadcasters, we also provide team surveyed leads and have local overview meetings as well as sizzle calls and web broadcasts... so you WILL GET YOUR REFERALS!  But just to be fair we share the absolute worst case of $200 worth of groceries... oh even if you order your groceries... you are still a MPB rep and can continue to market the business after ordering your groceries.

Now, let's take a look at 2nd worst case which would be you join the company and cycle only one time... that is a $500 payday which equates to a 250% ROI!  You tell me where you can earn 250% on your money even in a year or two... and we have many members doing it their first week!

So just like any other investment or opportunity you must weigh risk vs. reward.  With MPB and The Big GO! there is very little risk and the potential reward is huge!

Ultimately you must decide but opportunities like this do not present themselves often and when they do word travels fast and should you choose not to take advantage today there is a very good chance that your friends and neighbors will... then you will become a part of their team!

Click the Check...Join Our Team Now and Earn Your 250%!